Friday, February 8, 2013

February Nor'easter Update

Forecast from yesterday is generally in tact.  Most places are currently seeing snow or have seen some snow already today.  The model runs from this morning are indicating a slight southward shift of the heavy snow bands, though this is captured in the image that I posted yesterday.  I was a little suspicious of this so I made the 18-24" area a bit larger to account for any slight shift.

Places north of Manchester, NH may see a bit less than I expected yesterday, but it likely will only be off by a couple of inches.  For example, 15" instead of 18".  When it's that much snow, it really doesn't matter that much, does it?  :-)

Blizzard Warnings and Winter Storm Warnings are posted all over the region.  Driving bans will be going into effect later this evening.  I can't stress enough that people should obey these bans.  In general, if you aren't ready, it's too late to prepare any further.  The good news is that the snow will be over or winding down by 2-3 PM tomorrow and I would imagine most stores will be open in the afternoon.  Road crews and utility companies knew this was coming days in advance, they are prepared and will clear up everything as quickly as they can.

Lastly, I'd love to hear reports or see pictures of snow in your area.  You can either post comments on this blog or post them on my facebook fan page, which you probably have to "Like" first.  I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for checking in!

-Jon K.


  1. Thoughts on my chances of flying into Manchester a bit after 7 tomorrow night?

  2. Corinne,

    Chances are good, as long as you have a seat on your flight already. Snow will be done by then and there will have been plenty of time to clear the runways.

  3. Good, good, can't afford any more days of my car in the parking lot=P

    And Southwest seems to agree - looks like they've canceled the flights that get in in the morning, but not the afternoon ones...
