Howdy folks!
I know it is has been a very long time since I last posted. Been away from the weather game for awhile. However, this event is too historic not to post something about. I can't ignore it.
We here in the United States, especially the Northeastern US have a very isolated view of the weather. Everyone always thinks that their weather is worse than anyone else's weather. All parts of the Earth gets their fair of nastiness and the Pacific Coast of Mexico is going to get more than they can handle.
Hurricane Patricia developed extremely rapidly in the last 30 hours. From a tropical storm to the strongest ever recorded hurricane in the Western Hemisphere. It is only hours from landfall along the West Coast of Mexico. Not only is this a historic storm, it will also be devastating. NOT just to Mexico. Flooding rains from the remnants of Patricia will surge into the Southern Plains of the United States this weekend.
I can't really do justice to the historic nature of this storm, so I thought I would share some links from people who are experts. Marshall Shepard is the former director of the NWS and currently hosts the show Weather Geeks on the The Weather Channel. He touches on the link between Patricia and El Nino.
Here is a link to a satellite image of Patricia over the last day and a half or so:
Lastly, please keep our southern neighbors in your thoughts this weekend and beyond.
I will try to be more active as we head into the cold weather months!